Tuesday, January 4, 2011

SQL Azure Interview Questions and Answers Part - 1

Here you go with first set of Interview questions on SQL Azure:

Qu 1. What is Cloud?
Ans: Cloud indicates that user don't need to worry about the s\w installation and management. User neither needs to buy the costly license nor they need to worry about the maintenance.

Qu 2. What is the code far Application topology?
Ans: To connect to the SQL Azure from outside of the data center. Other are code near and code hybrid scenarios. Code near means application running in Windows Azure inside microsoft data center.

Qu 3. What is SQL Azure Data sync?
Ans: This is to synchronize the data between local and cloud.

Qu 4. How many replicas are maintained for each SQL Azure DB?
Ans: 3 replicas are maintained for each logical DB. Single primary is observed as the replica where actual read/write take place. Once this goes down, another replica is upgraded automatically as a single primary.

Want to prepare in ten minutes - read article Interview and Beyond in 10 Min
Custom Search
Qu 5. What is the difference in accessing DB between SQL Server Vs SQL Azure?
Ans: YOu connect to directly DB in SQL Azure instead of connecting
 to SQL Server as we do in SQL Server. From application point of view, if you need to deal with many DBs, you have to write complete connection string again and again.

SQL Azure Interview Questions and Answers Part - 2

Most of the readers of this blog also read following interview questions so linking them here:
Powershell Interview Questions and Answers
SQL Server DBA “Interview Questions And Answers”


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